"Communism" is a political and economic situation with no state or class division and where goods are given out freely to whoever needs them and made freely by whoever will make them.
A communist society is the end goal of communists and anarchists alike (some think we need a few more stops along the way than others). Communists and anarchists who believe this change requires a revolution make up the radical left.
Seem a Little Idealistic?
Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. -- Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, The Communist ManifestoDefining communism alone will not do the radical left justice. There are many good reasons so many have bravely struggled and given their lives in pursuit of communism as a goal. Scroll to the bottom of the article to find more definitions to see exactly what we mean when we want to abolish the state and eliminate class. We seek a radical democracy unknowable under capitalism and the state, and we believe an orderly and productive society requires neither capitalism or the state.
There are a few immediate and valid concerns most people have when hearing this definition (like how anything would get done if you could just get free booze and free cable), but some of the greatest minds of the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries have considered these questions and that's how they made up the richest tradition in political philosophy -- the radical left!
If You Think the Word "Communism" Is Confusing, You Are Right!
Here is a little insight into how it got so confusing and a few things that have been done to fix it.
If Communism Is Still Unclear for You
You will find a definition like this all over the internet, but people still scratch their heads and ask, "okay, so what is communism?" If you are feeling that way, that is common. I added some links at the bottom that might clear up some confusion (an ever growing list).
Other Terms to Help You Out
Many of the terms used to describe communism (like "state," "class," and "abolition of private property") have very specific meanings (and some have several specific meanings) amongst the radical left. Because of this, many people that are not radical leftists tend to think of these words a bit differently. So let's refine what we mean a little!
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